

Selfseeds Template Applied In India

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

Water on fire

An example of living with the Selfseeds Template while I am in India.  Create your own and get started on your Selfseeds garden!

1. Selfseeds Fitness:  Running an hour a day and adding 30 minutes to an hour with TapouT XT, P90X, ball, or Hip Hop Abs.  A big key to fitness is just doing something consistently.  I do a variety of programs to keep my mind and body engaged, but I carve out a regular amount of time, so I have a commitment to movement.  Noticing with the running that I need days not to run too.  Walking is a great substitute.  New muscles are being challenged and I am trying to be thoughtful instead of a warrior about developing the new program without injuries.  Listen to your body!

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

(Selfseeds blog post below)

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

 2. Selfseeds Nutrition:  Enjoying eating homemade, fresh food, no preservatives, no sugar, and new flavors.  I often don’t know what I am eating, but it tastes incredible, wholesome, and vegetarian.  My body is so loving this meal plan!  My snacks are still fruits, vegetables, nuts, and dried fruit. And PLENTY of water!

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

3. Selfseeds Stillness.  Exploring the inner world. Calm. Meditation as a daily practice in an ashram.

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

(Selfseeds blog post below)

(short video below)

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

 4. Selfseeds Emotions: state of mind, reactions, feelings. Contemplating my environment and what I have contact to on a daily basis.

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

(Selfseeds blog post below)

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

 5. Selfseeds Weight Distribution: noticing the small details of how my feet strikes the ground, the symmetry of my arm swing, my alignment while sitting, and making tiny adjustments regularly.

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

(Selfseeds blog post below)

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

 6. Selfseeds Balance: balance in life approach. Making time for fitness, flexibility, nutrition, stillness, personalize 5, and more.  Pick exercises to do with or on the physio-ball daily, so I have to find my physical inner balance.  Pick a few from the group below and have fun.

10 min with 9 exercises

100 different exercises (Very awesome video)

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

 7. Selfseeds Flexibility: stretching, range of motion, evenness, myofascial release.  The physical therapist gave me a lacrosse ball to roll on, so I could address knots and tight areas. A daily examination as new levels of fitness are added.  Meditating long hours  while sitting on the floor is increasing my range of flexibility–big time!


Stretching is no longer a warmup, it’s the workoutNew York Daily News

Most people think of stretching like dessert — it might make you feel good, it’s optional, and it’s probably not worth it. But when we found ourselves strapped to a 

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

8. Selfseeds Rhythm: breath, heart beat, footfall, music, temple bells,  and activities for the day.

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

 9. Selfseeds Integrative Band: TapouT XT is the mega band program, core awareness, and integration for moving and sitting.

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

(Selfseeds blog post below)

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

10. Selfseeds Partnering: riding , standing with your elephant, walking your dog, sharing a conversation.

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

11. Selfseeds Personalize 5 : walking in nature, watching the sunset, listening to a favorite song, be creative… it is for your soul.  I am enjoying taking photos.

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".