

Selfseeds Integrative Exercises: Integrative “I” Band & Stationary Bicycle

A picture of an image with the word " sprout ".

Photo credit: Heather Marsh

Where did the idea of putting together the Integrative “I” Band and the stationary bicycle come from?  I was working on keeping some level of fitness while on a spiritual retreat in India and invested in a stationary bicycle for my cement room.   That was a big step in itself, but then I started to look at how I could maximize my time on the bike–out came the “I” band and small individual weights.  I discovered that coordination, flexibility, sense of rhythm, core use, alignment awareness, range of motion, posture were all highlighted while keeping a steady pace with the pedaling.  It also enhanced the creativity and relieved some of the staleness that can creep in while performing cardio training “in house.”  The following is a small clip with some ideas, but play, have fun, and make up your own.  More to come…