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Sitting In A Chair
Coming from a culture that sits in chairs most of the time, I have completely taken for granted how much work it is to sit properly and unassisted by a structure. Â After 6 months of meditating 6 plus hours a day (usually broken into two sittings), I am starting to feel more comfortable with my spine erect than not. Â I have balanced over a horse and parallel to a dance partner for years, but finding center over my own pelvis with legs folded in varying manners is another learning. Â There is a level of engagement starting from the floor of the pelvis up to the base of the skull that is surprising. Â I can appreciate why most people don’t sit up while meditating or sitting in a chair for that matter.
In the beginning, the “correct” positioning of my spine was very distracting from my meditation, since I had to work at it. Â Not to mention that sections of the back/neck start to ache when not aligned and engaged properly. Â I started back to the gym and worked on my core/upper body strength which translated into an immediate difference in my posture. Â I am always diligent about good posture, but the extra fitness really made a noticeable difference. I experimented with different exercises to find what made sense for the muscles used in sitting. Â It would be interesting to work with a qualified fitness trainer who could create an effective plan for sitting. Â There is fitness for other sports, so why not sitting? Many people spend a lot of time in a chair and don’t know how to sit properly or create a useful conditioning program.
Desk Exercises
exercises | Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Got a desk job? You’ll need these 5 stretches.
On top of that, sitting all day can result in back and leg pain and poor posture. What can you do – short of quitting your job – to help alleviate the risks?
Start with your chair and your posture. Be sure your chair is low enough that your feet can rest flat on the ground with your knees 1-3 inches from the edge of the seat. Lean back slightly in your chair and adjust your position often.
Frequent stretching can also help alleviate pain related to sitting, raise your heart rate, and keep your blood flowing! Try a few of the exercises below and remember, stretching should be done slowly and should not hurt. Don’t push your muscles too far or you may risk an injury.
1. Leg Lifts
Sitting in your desk chair, just lift and straighten one leg and slowly roll your ankle clockwise, then counterclockwise to stretch lower leg muscles and the hamstrings. Repeat with the opposite leg. It is amazing how tight your knees can get, especially if you sit cross-legged all day.
If you want to add a little muscle building to this stretch, straighten the leg then raise it off the chair slightly. Hold as long as you can. Rest and repeat.
2. Spine Twist
Sit with your feet flat on the floor. With your left hand, grasp the right arm rest. Exhale while you turn just your upper body to the right until you feel a stretch through the shoulder blades and left side of your back. Hold for 5 breathes and switch sides.
3. Wrist Stretch
This is particularly important for anyone with a desk job to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. Stand in front of your desk and place your palms flat on the table so that your fingers point back towards your body. Keeping your hands where they are, take a few small steps back until you feel a good stretch through the underside of your lower arm. Hold for 5 breaths.
4. Shoulder Shrugs
Sit up straight and lift your shoulder to your ears. Squeeze your shoulders back and together, then slowly pull your shoulder down to stretch all around your shoulder blade. Rest and repeat.
5. Neck Tilts
Sitting on your chair, place your left hand, palm down, under your left sit bone. Gently lean your head to the right until you feel a light pull down the left side of your neck.
To increase the stretch, left your right arm and wrap it over your head so your right hand is resting on your left ear. Do not pull, but let the weight of your arm increase the stretch. Repeat on the other side.
The most important stretch is just walking around – even just one minute of standing or walking for every 30 minutes of work can make a difference. Hand deliver that message instead of emailing. Take the stairs or go outside during lunch – whatever you do, just get moving!
How do you stay fit and pain-free at your desk?