


Spring and Seeding Selfseeds in Kentucky

Magic as the tree’s flower and declare Spring is on the way. 2023 was heaven on Earth at Horse Woods Heaven Columbia, KY and examining how to move forward with Selfseeds. What lane in humanity to start with and how. 20 years ago it was birthed and 14 years ago it was re-birthed as Selfseeds. I wasn’t sure if it was my template for living or meant to be shared as a template for others. Youth and athletes are going to be the focus.

Plan to blog the offering pathway. 2024 is offering the program as a pilot program.

Today, I met the Principal of the high school in Campblesville, KY. Wow, he is so enthusiastic to support all of the youth in the school. Followed up with meeting the Principal of the elementary school, she is retiring, but led me to the Board of Education for contact with the Superintendent. Middle School Principal was out with a sick child, but will circle back. Stopped in at an art studio to see about a collaboration–referral from the bike shop across the street.

Note: Started in Columbia meeting the Superintendent, Principal of elementary school, 4-H extension office, Lindsey Wilson College, and others.

I will be creating a spiral as I move outward to create a contact map in Kentucky.

A nod to start from Gurudev. Execution assistance from a key western mentor. Offered an opportunity to start with Selfseeds in India, but I feel inclined to explore KY for a section of time. Learning about the needs of humanity in this section of America. Conservative or Liberal, many of the needs of the individuals are the same.

Grace all of it!