Origin and Growth of Selfseeds
"Selfseeds are now an integral part of my life," Susan Eoff, "but originally they grew out of a request to create a “partnering workshop” for equestrians, Ride Like A Dancer. It was based on the partnering skills from ballroom dancing and dressage (ballroom dancing with horses). My dance partner at the time, Eddie, knew about yoga and meditation, so we put our skill sets together to focus on: Alignment, Timing, and Feel, which are key in partnering."
"We used this combination of components in an experiential way with the riders. First, they worked dismounted as individuals. Secondly, the riders worked with human partners. Thirdly, the horse was their partner. Their riding instructor was surprised by their riding improvement before the riding instruction even began. It was a remarkable epiphany for me as well! I learned a great deal from this workshop."
"Because of it, I saw that there was a clear need to know one's self and this was critically important for improving any partnership whether with a horse or moving through life. It is the right focus on our personal experiences in small increments--that becomes the alchemy for our transformation."
"This led to the development of Selfseeds and it grew to include young children, teachers, parents, social workers, work force, health care givers, entrepreneurs, and more, the focus remains the same. Each seed is an opening for knowing one's self in 11 different seed categories. I found the root of living is in the right awareness of our feeling experience. It is the feel, and sensing of the Selfseed, which transforms the way you live your life with awareness."