Origin and Growth of Selfseeds

"Selfseeds are now an integral part of my life," Susan Eoff, "but originally they grew out of a request to create a “partnering workshop” for equestrians, Ride Like A Dancer. It was based on the partnering skills from ballroom dancing and dressage (ballroom dancing with horses). My dance partner at the time, Eddie, knew about yoga and meditation, so we put our skill sets together to focus on: Alignment, Timing, and Feel, which are key in partnering."

"We used this combination of components in an experiential way with the riders. First, they worked dismounted as individuals. Secondly, the riders worked with human partners. Thirdly, the horse was their partner. Their riding instructor was surprised by their riding improvement before the riding instruction even began. It was a remarkable epiphany for me as well! I learned a great deal from this workshop."

"Because of it, I saw that there was a clear need to know one's self and this was critically important for improving any partnership whether with a horse or moving through life. It is the right focus on our personal experiences in small increments--that becomes the alchemy for our transformation."

"This led to the development of Selfseeds and it grew to include young children, teachers, parents, social workers, work force, health care givers, entrepreneurs, and more, the focus remains the same. Each seed is an opening for knowing one's self in 11 different seed categories. I found the root of living is in the right awareness of our feeling experience. It is the feel, and sensing of the Selfseed, which transforms the way you live your life with awareness."

A picture of an almond with a plant growing out of it.

Growth of Selfseeds

The transition of Ride Like A Dancer to Selfseeds was completed in 2010. Selfseeds became the living template for my life with what was about to unfold.

As a person who has worked with horses my entire life, I have always had a desire to relate to animals in their natural state and more on their terms. An opportunity to combine riding horses and seeing wild animals  arose, so I put my life on hold for three months and headed off to South Africa, February 28, 2011.

South Africa Selfseeds

The firsthand experience with native animals, plants, and the culture, was absolutely amazing. Between the animals and the land, I felt that I had touched something very sacred on our planet. The Waltzing Horses blog became my daily communication with friends and family, but it also turned into a journaling process for me to take note of and digest what transpired within every 24-hour period.

India Selfseeds

After six weeks in South Africa, I traveled north to Jaipur, India. I was  seeking answers about humanity and spirituality. It was similar to the way I was seeking answers about the essence of animal existence.

I wanted to know, “Is it possible to find inner peace within all life circumstances:  with anyone, at any time, and under any conditions?"

Another question was:

"Are we all connected by some deeper thread of being, underneath the ego level?”

Several weeks of deep inner transformation and new energetic experiences were setting the stage for the next part of my journey. So, I decided to move to Jaipur for an indefinite period of time to dive more completely into this stunning spiritual opportunity.

The move required that I first return to California to reorganize my animals, sell horses, help clients relocate, and minimize my material possessions. When I returned to India, I moved into a little, pink room with a ceiling fan down the street from the ashram where I contemplated the essence of living and existence.

Germinating Selfseeds

In the meantime, Selfseeds germinated slowly by including a Selfseeds blog that I shared personal experiences about life, videos, and articles that related to the 11 Selfseeds. My hope is always to inspire an interactive environment for sharing, supporting, motivating, and learning from one another.

As Selfseeds continues to take root and grow, this site will continue to is developing its virtual platform, so that the program does not become root-bound and overcrowded. Now, the Selfseed garden walls are limited only by cyberspace, so let’s get started.

Kentucky Selfseeds

Today, Horse Woods Haven (http://horsewoodshaven.com), Columbia, Kentucky is the home of Selfseeds. It is a living 88 acre Selfseeds Garden! Here, we are sharing a living experience of the Selfseeds program here with:  retreats, walking in nature, drinking tea with horses, unplugging from the outer world, listening/feeling nature, the wind, birds, and quiet...

If you are in the area, come get started on your Selfseeds Program?
