Successful Partners: Consciousness in Being

While searching through my other blog  I found this article that I had written some time ago for a riding publication.   As I was reading it, I was stirred by how relevant feel and timing are for all partnerships whether with a moment in time, an object, nature, or others.  See what you think. Successful…

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“I” Band in action

Searching the internet to see if I could find anyone else using the “I” band (Integrative band) in the way I learned through Hans Laxholm’s system in ballroom dancing.  There are articles and videos on how to use it as an exercise tool (resistance band), but not really as an integrative (“I”) tool.  Hans Laxholm…

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Competitive Ballroom Dancing

Going to a dance competition is like going to a foreign country.  Dancing with the Stars has sort of desensitized us to the glitz and glamour, but being there live is another intensity.  You get to feel the vibration of all the dancers in action and being one of the participants is a blast. On…

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